Formerly known as: Acupuncture for Equilibrium Wellness Center

What Helps to Get Pregnant?

What Helps to Get Pregnant?

Are you planning a family or thinking about your next pregnancy? Embarking on the journey to becoming parents is an exciting and meaningful adventure for many. If you want to learn more about what helps you to get pregnant faster, you’re not alone. In this guide, we’ll explore everything from lifestyle choices to medical insights, offering practical tips for individuals and couples navigating the path to conception.

What Helps to Get Pregnant?

Talk to Your Doctor

Start with booking an appointment with your doctor. Talk to your doctor about a hormone panel to measure estrogen and progesterone base levels. Seek advice on any of the medications you’re using and how they might interfere with your attempt to get pregnant.

If you’re sick during your pregnancy, speak to the pharmacist before buying any over-the-counter medications. Some OTC drugs, like decongestant nasal sprays, contain ingredients that pregnant women should avoid.

Try at the Right Time

Around 50% of couples decide to get pregnant at the wrong time. Women have a small fertility window (a few days each month) where they can conceive. You’ll improve your chances of becoming pregnant if you have sex every day leading up to your ovulation. Your body releases the egg at this time and travels down one of the fallopian tubes, giving you the best chance of getting pregnant.

Many women have heard that their cycle is 28 days long, and ovulation occurs at the midpoint of the cycle. This usually occurs about 14 days before your next menstrual period.

However, this isn’t always the case; it’s just an average and doesn’t apply to everyone, especially women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women with PCOS commonly have irregular menstrual cycles. Some lifestyle changes can help to regulate your period.

Ovulation Tracker

Use an ovulation tracker to help you time your cycle. This may increase your chances of getting pregnant. Being aware of the timing of egg release can result in successful conception.

Your basal body temperature changes around ovulation. You are most fertile about two days before your basal body temperature rises. Sperm can live up to five days in your reproductive tract. This is another way to help track your body.

Supplement with Folic Acid

Supplementing your diet with folic acid before and during pregnancy is vital. Low levels of this nutrient in your blood during your pregnancy could lead to developing a condition called spina bifida,. This occurs when their spinal cord doesn’t fully form in the womb.

Look for a folic acid supplement offering a minimum of 400mcg of folic acid per serving. Many pregnancy vitamin formulas from leading brands cover these nutritional gaps. Start your supplementation three months before trying to conceive.

Foods to Avoid

Not all foods are suitable for pregnant women. Avoid eating shellfish, raw eggs, and undercooked meats, as they contain pathogens that affect fetal development. Stay away from unpasteurized dairy products. These foods can host a pathogen called listeria, which leads to stillbirth or miscarriage.

Don’t eat liver as it’s high in vitamin A, which may harm fetal development. Avoid taking any supplements that aren’t suitable for pregnant women.

Also, you should NOT drink alcohol during pregnancy. No amount of alcohol is known to be safe while trying to get pregnant or during pregnancy.

Maintain a Healthy BMI

Cut down to a healthy weight before you fall pregnant. Being lean and fit at the start of your pregnancy helps your body cope with the pressure of the pregnancy. If you’re overweight, it affects your metabolism and may prevent you from conceiving. Keeping your body fit is vital to ensure a successful, healthy pregnancy.

Get Vaxxed

We’re not talking about the COVID vaccine here. German Measles (Rubella) can affect fetal development and lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, or congenital damage to your unborn child. Speak to your doctor about your vaccination history before you decide to conceive.

Factors for Both Men and Women

Men and women can face issues that may increase difficulties in getting pregnant. Sperm count and sperm quality may play a part in becoming pregnant naturally.

Getting pregnant isn’t as easy as it might seem However, following these tips will give you the best chance of getting pregnant. Good luck with starting or adding to your family!

Additional Information: Will Acupuncture Help Me Get Pregnant?

Southlake Natural Family Wellness

Our mission is to support the health and well-being of our patients.

We offer individualized, comprehensive holistic care including acupuncture, herbal recommendations, customized nutritional counseling, allergy elimination (NAET), whole food supplements, lifestyle suggestions, moxibustion, and cupping. As well as helping couples get pregnant and STAY pregnant by supporting all the paths to conception.

About Farrah Hamraie

Farrah Hamraie, L.Ac, MOM, Dipl.OM (NCCAOM), is licensed and board-certified in Acupuncture and Herbal medicine in the State of Texas with a Masters of Oriental Medicine from the Dallas College of Oriental Medicine.

She is also a Diplomat of NCCAOM (the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), a Board Certified Acupuncturist, a Chinese Herbalist, and a member of the American Association of Oriental Medicine.